This document provides some operational clarifications on usage rules for Svector app. Please refer to “Terms and Conditions” for any follow-up.

When the system finds a match between a Wisher’s request and a Traveler’s availability, it sends a notification to the Traveler with the details of the object that needs to be transported and/or bought on behalf of the Wisher.
Besides viewing the Wish (the object that needs to be transported), the Traveler is able to see the Wisher’s profile and read his/her feedbacks, left by other Users on previous transactions.
The Traveler, when interested, can get in touch with the Wisher by clicking on the button “Approve” or may remove the transportation request by clicking on the button “Reject”.
If the Traveler chooses to approve the matching, the Wisher is notified, so that he/she can view the details of the Travel and the Traveler’s profile.
If the Wisher too is interested in contacting the Traveler, he/she clicks on the button “Approve”.
From this moment on, Traveler and Wisher are in contact and can agree on transportation details through the messaging system also available on the app. If the Wisher is not interested in the Traveler’s proposal, he/she clicks on the button “Reject”. The Traveler will be notified about the Wisher’s lack of interest in receiving an object through that Traveler.

Parameters that define a match between Wisher and Traveler:
– Departure location (within a distance radius of 10 km)
– Arrival location (within a distance radius of 10 km)
– Date of Travel

Since all other pieces of information are considered negotiable, they are not evaluated in the matching algorithm.

When a Travel is completed, unconfirmed matches regarding that Travel are removed.
Each confirmed match stays active for 20 days after it has been concluded. At the end of this period, matches are removed.

Before beginning the journey, Traveler and Wisher must agree on the following conditions: time, meeting points, what to exchange. Both parties must respect these conditions.

  • A Traveler may not transport an object to a Wisher, even if this Wisher is a member of the community, if the two of them have not directly agreed to the transportation
  • Users undertake to:
    • Promptly cancel a Wish request, or a Travel when they are not anymore available/interested. Users must communicate any change of plans to the User they are reaching/have reached an agreement with
    • Keep login credential for Svector confidential
    • Always leave sincere feedback. Feedback is an account of the experience. Sincerity in feedback is useful to all the community
    • Allow for the inspection of packages before they are accepted by the Traveler


Once Svector app has been downloaded from the store, the User is directed to the Homepage.
From here, he/she can access the main menu and freely discover the app without having to register. Only when the User adds a Wish or a Travel, he/she has to register on the platform.



After inserting required data and having accepted all conditions, the User must verify his/her account by inserting, where requested, a numeric code forwarded to the User by email.

By inserting an email address and password, chosen during registration, the User can access all functions provided on the platform.

A button enables Users to log out.

The app Homepage is divided into two parts: on the upper part the User can add his/her Wishes, on the lower one his/her Travels.

There is a personal section for each User. In this area Users can add their picture, change their password, check their date of registration on Svector and feedback that other Users left after receiving/transporting an object.


In this area a User, acting as a Traveler may:

  • Add planned trips by inserting:
    • Frequent routes: routes that are usually travelled at least a couple of times a year
    • Travels: single planned travels 


Frequent route:
By adding a Frequent route a Traveler has to specify:

  • departure location
  • arrival location

At this moment, the date of the travel is not required. Only when an inserted frequent route matches with a Wish, the Traveler is requested to add other trip details (same info needed when adding a Travel) and the “latest date for the travel”, that is the date by which the Traveler plans to make this trip next time.
A frequent route is a Traveler’s availability on a route, it never expires.


By adding a Travel a Traveler has to specify:

    • Location, date and time of departure and arrival
    • Means of transportation used for travelling
    • The size of the Wish he/she would be able to carry:
      • S: Small –  something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   25 cm
      • M: Medium – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   70 cm
      • L: Large – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is more than 70 cm
    • What the User wishes to receive in exchange for the transportation:
      • Social: a unique experience, only as an example: a dinner invitation or a guided tour around the city of destination 
      • Money: contributions to the transportation costs of the Wish
      • Nothing: transportation of a Wish for free, just to make someone else happy


A Traveler can:

  • check or remove previously entered Travels
  • view which Travel has a match (a matching icon appears on the right)
  • get in touch with matching Wishers as demonstrated in the video below
  • it is possible for a Traveler to carry several packages (Wishes) on the same Travel. These Wishes may refer to one or more Wishers

The Traveler must:

  • publish planned Travels
  • carry Wishes in accordance with the agreements made
  • be on time and notify the Wisher in case of traffic or other reasons for delay
  • respect indications and details provided by the Wisher regarding the possible purchase of a Wish

A Traveler has the right to inspect the package before carrying it.


“Reject all” button
The button “Reject all” appears on the Traveler’s device from the second time on that a Travel matches with a Wish. In case the Traveler wants to reject not only the match just notified, but also all the possible future matches on that Travel, he clicks on the button “Reject all”. From that moment on the inserted Travel will not match anymore with any other Wishes.






This document provides some operational clarifications on usage rules for Svector app. Please refer to “Terms and Conditions” for any follow-up.

When the system finds a match between a Wisher’s request and a Traveler’s availability, it sends a notification to the Traveler with the details of the object that needs to be transported and/or bought on behalf of the Wisher.
Besides viewing the Wish (the object that needs to be transported), the Traveler is able to see the Wisher’s profile and read his/her feedbacks, left by other Users on previous transactions.
The Traveler, when interested, can get in touch with the Wisher by clicking on the button “Approve” or may remove the transportation request by clicking on the button “Reject”.
If the Traveler chooses to approve the matching, the Wisher is notified, so that he/she can view the details of the Travel and the Traveler’s profile.
If the Wisher too is interested in contacting the Traveler, he/she clicks on the button “Approve”.
From this moment on, Traveler and Wisher are in contact and can agree on transportation details through the messaging system also available on the app. If the Wisher is not interested in the Traveler’s proposal, he/she clicks on the button “Reject”. The Traveler will be notified about the Wisher’s lack of interest in receiving an object through that Traveler.

Parameters that define a match between Wisher and Traveler:
– Departure location (within a distance radius of 10 km)
– Arrival location (within a distance radius of 10 km)
– Date of Travel

Since all other pieces of information are considered negotiable, they are not evaluated in the matching algorithm.

When a Travel is completed, unconfirmed matches regarding that Travel are removed.
Each confirmed match stays active for 20 days after it has been concluded. At the end of this period, matches are removed.

Before beginning the journey, Traveler and Wisher must agree on the following conditions: time, meeting points, what to exchange. Both parties must respect these conditions.

  • A Traveler may not transport an object to a Wisher, even if this Wisher is a member of the community, if the two of them have not directly agreed to the transportation
  • Users undertake to:
    • Promptly cancel a Wish request, or a Travel when they are not anymore available/interested. Users must communicate any change of plans to the User they are reaching/have reached an agreement with
    • Keep login credential for Svector confidential
    • Always leave sincere feedback. Feedback is an account of the experience. Sincerity in feedback is useful to all the community
    • Allow for the inspection of packages before they are accepted by the Traveler


Once Svector app has been downloaded from the store, the User is directed to the Homepage.
From here, he/she can access the main menu and freely discover the app without having to register. Only when the User adds a Wish or a Travel, he/she has to register on the platform.


After inserting required data and having accepted all conditions, the User must verify his/her account by inserting, where requested, a numeric code forwarded to the User by email.

By inserting an email address and password, chosen during registration, the User can access all functions provided on the platform.

A button enables Users to log out.

The app Homepage is divided into two parts: on the upper part the User can add his/her Wishes, on the lower one his/her Travels.

There is a personal section for each User. In this area Users can add their picture, change their password, check their date of registration on Svector and feedback that other Users left after receiving/transporting an object.


In this area a User, acting as a Traveler may:

  • Add planned trips by inserting:
    • Frequent routes: routes that are usually travelled at least a couple of times a year
    • Travels: single planned travels 


Frequent route:
By adding a Frequent route a Traveler has to specify:

  • departure location
  • arrival location

At this moment, the date of the travel is not required. Only when an inserted frequent route matches with a Wish, the Traveler is requested to add other trip details (same info needed when adding a Travel) and the “latest date for the travel”, that is the date by which the Traveler plans to make this trip next time.
A frequent route is a Traveler’s availability on a route, it never expires.


By adding a Travel a Traveler has to specify:

    • Location, date and time of departure and arrival
    • Means of transportation used for travelling
    • The size of the Wish he/she would be able to carry:
      • S: Small –  something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   25 cm
      • M: Medium – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   70 cm
      • L: Large – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is more than 70 cm
    • What the User wishes to receive in exchange for the transportation:
      • Social: a unique experience, only as an example: a dinner invitation or a guided tour around the city of destination 
      • Money: contributions to the transportation costs of the Wish
      • Nothing: transportation of a Wish for free, just to make someone else happy


A Traveler can:

  • check or remove previously entered Travels
  • view which Travel has a match (a matching icon appears on the right)
  • get in touch with matching Wishers as demonstrated in the video below
  • it is possible for a Traveler to carry several packages (Wishes) on the same Travel. These Wishes may refer to one or more Wishers

The Traveler must:

  • publish planned Travels
  • carry Wishes in accordance with the agreements made
  • be on time and notify the Wisher in case of traffic or other reasons for delay
  • respect indications and details provided by the Wisher regarding the possible purchase of a Wish

A Traveler has the right to inspect the package before carrying it.


“Reject all” button
The button “Reject all” appears on the Traveler’s device from the second time on that a Travel matches with a Wish. In case the Traveler wants to reject not only the match just notified, but also all the possible future matches on that Travel, he clicks on the button “Reject all”. From that moment on the inserted Travel will not match anymore with any other Wishes.









In this area a User, acting as a Wisher may:

  • Add objects that he/she wants to receive, by inserting:
    • Whether  the object must be purchased besides being transported
    • Name of the item
    • A description of the item: it must be precise and accurate. If the item needs to be bought, it is important to specify brand, price and place where it can be purchased
    • The size of the Wish:
      • S: Small –  something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   25 cm
      • M: Medium – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   70 cm
      • L: Large – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is  more than 70 cm
    • A picture of the Wish
    • Location of departure: if the Wish needs to be transported only the location must be precise. If the product can be purchased in an entire country, the location may be indicated as this country
    • Location of arrival
    • What the User offers to give in exchange for the transportation:

      • Social: a unique experience, only as an example: a dinner invitation or a guided tour around the city of destination 
      • Money: contributions to the transportation costs of the Wish. Unless different agreements are made between Users, the amount must be in Euro, which is the trading currency for Svector
      • Nothing: transportation of a Wish for free, just to make someone else happy.
  • Check or remove previously entered Wishes
  • View which Wish has a match (a matching icon appears on the right)
  • Get in touch with matching Travelers as demonstrated in the video below

Wisher must:

  • If agreed in advance, contribute to the transportation costs
  • Hand over objects of which transportation/exchange is legal
  • Refund the Traveler, if he/she anticipated any money for purchasing the Wish. In general, respect all agreements made
  • Remove a Wish from the Wishlist when it has been received or is not needed anymore
In this area a User, acting as a Wisher may:

  • Add objects that he/she wants to receive, by inserting:
    • Whether  the object must be purchased besides being transported
    • Name of the item
    • A description of the item: it must be precise and accurate. If the item needs to be bought, it is important to specify brand, price and place where it can be purchased.
    • The size of the Wish:
      • S: Small –  something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   25 cm
      • M: Medium – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is   70 cm
      • L: Large – something that can be contained in a box, such that the sum of its dimensions is  more than 70 cm
    • A picture of the Wish
    • Location of departure: if the Wish needs to be transported only the location must be precise. If the product can be purchased in an entire country, the location may be indicated as this country
    • Location of arrival
    • What the User offers to give in exchange for the transportation:

      • Social: a unique experience, only as an example: a dinner invitation or a guided tour around the city of destination
      • Money: contributions to the transportation costs of the Wish. Unless different agreements are made between Users, the amount must be in Euro, which is the trading currency for Svector
      • Nothing: transportation of a Wish for free, just to make someone else happy
  • Check or remove previously entered Wishes
  • View which Wish has a match (a matching icon appears on the right)
  • Get in touch with matching Travelers as demonstrated in the video below

Wisher must:

  • If agreed in advance, contribute to the transportation costs
  • Hand over objects of which transportation/exchange is legal
  • Refund the Traveler, if he/she anticipated any money for purchasing the Wish. In general, respect all agreements made
  • Remove a Wish from the Wishlist when it has been received or is not needed anymore
The lifetime of a Wish
A Wish is valid for three months from its first insertion; after this time it is removed from the platform.
In the current version Svector does not send a notice to the Wisher when a Whish is due to expire.
If a Wish with a confirmed match with a Travel expires before the conclusion of that Travel, the expiration date of the Wish is extended. In particular, the Wish will expire 20 days after the conclusion of the Travel.
The Wisher undertakes to remove a Wish when it has been received. 

In this section all notifications received are collected.


In this section the User can:

  • Give feedback to the person with whom he/she got in touch as a Wisher or a Traveler. The peoples’ names which a User needs to give a feedback to, are listed under “Pending”.
  • Under “Sent” find feedback previously given to other Users that acted as Wisher/Traveler.
  • Under “Received” find feedback received from other Users that acted as Wisher/Traveler. Received feedback is also visible on each User’s public profile. 

How feedback works

A feedback is made up of two parts: a rating and a comment.
A rating can vary between 1 (minimum) and 5 (maximum)

  1. Poor
  2. Fair
  3. Good
  4. Very good
  5. Outstanding

Wisher and Traveler need to submit feedback within 14 days of the conclusion date of the Travel. The User shall give a feedback only if a transaction occurred and not if Users have only been exchanging information without coming to a concrete agreement.
When both Users have inserted their feedback, they are visible on each User’s Profile.
Feedback given by User 1 to User 2, is not visible to User 2 until he/she gives feedback to User 1 or until 14 days after the conclusion of the Travel.
If, after 14 days, only one of the two Users has given feedback, this feedback is published anyway.

Here User can access the following sections:

  • How it works: four introductory screenshots explaining the main features of Svector app
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • User Guide
  • FAQ
  • Contact us: Users can click on this button and fill out available form to contact the owner and her collaborators for any reason (advice, contract termination, feedback…).

Users may and are encouraged to share the download link of Svector app with his/her contacts.


Click here for the original version of this document (Italian)

The lifetime of a Wish
A Wish is valid for three months from its first insertion; after this time it is removed from the platform.
In the current version Svector does not send a notice to the Wisher when a Whish is due to expire.
If a Wish with a confirmed match with a Travel expires before the conclusion of that Travel, the expiration date of the Wish is extended. In particular, the Wish will expire 20 days after the conclusion of the Travel.
The Wisher undertakes to remove a Wish when it has been received. 

In this section all notifications received are collected.


In this section the User can:

  • Give feedback to the person with whom he/she got in touch as a Wisher or a Traveler. The peoples’ names which a User needs to give a feedback to, are listed under “Pending”.
  • Under “Sent” find feedback previously given to other Users that acted as Wisher/Traveler.
  • Under “Received” find feedback received from other Users that acted as Wisher/Traveler. Received feedback is also visible on each User’s public profile. 

How feedback works

A feedback is made up of two parts: a rating and a comment.
A rating can vary between 1 (minimum) and 5 (maximum)

  1. Poor
  2. Fair
  3. Good
  4. Very good
  5. Outstanding

Wisher and Traveler need to submit feedback within 14 days of the conclusion date of the Travel. The User shall give a feedback only if a transaction occurred and not if Users have only been exchanging information without coming to a concrete agreement.
When both Users have inserted their feedback, they are visible on each User’s Profile.
Feedback given by User 1 to User 2, is not visible to User 2 until he/she gives feedback to User 1 or until 14 days after the conclusion of the Travel.
If, after 14 days, only one of the two Users has given feedback, this feedback is published anyway.

Here User can access the following sections:

  • How it works: four introductory screenshots explaining the main features of Svector app
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy Policy
  • User Guide
  • FAQ
  • Contact us: Users can click on this button and fill out available form to contact the owner and her collaborators for any reason (advice, contract termination, feedback…).

Users may and are encouraged to share the download link of Svector app with his/her contacts.


Click here for the original version of this document (Italian)

Svector the social vector, 2017 ©

Svector the social vector, 2017 ©